How AI is Magnificently Changing Digital Marketing: The Power of Free AI in Reshaping Digital Marketing Landscape 2023/2024

Artificial Intelligence (AI) is like a wizard changing the way we do things online. Think of OpenAI as the head wizard, almost like Microsoft, with lots of money and power, kind of like Bing and Bard. AI’s magic is transforming how we do stuff on the internet, especially when we’re searching for things or looking at ads. Let’s take a closer look at the amazing Artificial Intelligence magic, focusing on ChatGPT, and how it’s shaping the way we find stuff and see ads. With the advancement of artificial Intelligence digital marketing will change drastically.

Discovering AI’s Future Magic

Our adventure begins by understanding how big Artificial Intelligence’s role will be in the near future. ChatGPT is like a super-smart computer friend, changing how computers understand our questions and give us answers. But, we need to be careful because even though Artificial Intelligence is cool, it should give us the right answers.


Finding the Treasure in Web Data

ChatGPT uses a special trick to find information on the internet. It’s like a super-fast way to get answers. But, there’s a challenge – sometimes the internet has wrong or confusing stuff. Even though websites try to fix it, there’s still a lot of not-so-true things out there. This means that sometimes, the answers from Artificial Intelligence might not be completely right.

Brands to the Rescue Against Wrongness

Brands, which are like big superhero companies, can help fight against wrong stuff. They are careful and check if information is right before they share it. This is important because Artificial Intelligenceuses internet info, which might not always be correct. If the starting info is wrong, the answers from Artificial Intelligence might be wrong too.

Talking Differently and How it Changes Ads

Imagine how we talk to computers now. Instead of just typing, we can talk to them like we talk to friends. This also changes how ads work. Advertisers need to figure out how to reach us when we’re chatting with computers. It’s like they’re finding new ways to get our attention.

When we search online, we like having choices. This is super true when we want to buy something. We want different options so we can pick the best one. Artificial Intelligenceis good at giving answers, but it’s not great at giving choices like people can. This is a challenge for Artificial Intelligencewhen it comes to complex things like making special agreements.

AI Changes Ads, but Not Everything

Some people think Artificial Intelligence will change how we see ads. But, the main way advertisers make money will probably stay the same. They’ll still want to show ads when we want to buy things. Artificial Intelligence might make a few small changes, but it won’t completely change how advertisers do things.

New Ideas for Making Money with AI

Looking into the future, we’re thinking about how ads could change even more. Maybe companies will ask for money for the answers Artificial Intelligence gives. Or maybe they’ll offer extra things, like connecting us with smart people who can double-check what Artificial Intelligence says. This could be a new way for companies to make money.

Using AI’s Magic to the Fullest

To wrap it up, AI has this amazing power to change how we search and see ads. But, we need to remember that sometimes it might not have all the right answers. Even with challenges, we’re excited about how Artificial Intelligence can make our online time better. We’re moving toward easier ways to talk to computers and find what we need.

Looking Ahead to More AI Magic

As technology keeps moving, we’ll see more ways AI and people work together. Businesses need to learn how to use Artificial Intelligence in a smart way while also making sure it’s correct. The future of searching and ads is like a big adventure, where AI keeps changing how we experience the online world.

The Adventure Continues (Part 2)

Our adventure isn’t over yet. We’re diving deeper into how ChatGPT is changing searching and ads. By taking a closer look at how Artificial Intelligence chats affect how we use the internet, we’ll discover even more about this amazing way of doing things.

New Possibilities with the ChatGPT Store

Imagine a store where you can talk to Artificial Intelligence chatbots to do lots of things, like buying stuff or getting things done. This new way of talking to computers is changing how we do things. Instead of typing, we can just chat, which is easier and more fun.

Changing Ads with Chatbots

Now, let’s think about ads. We’re seeing ads change too. Instead of just clicking on ads, Artificial Intelligence chatbots could help us buy things directly. This is a big change that advertisers need to get used to. It’s like a new way of getting our attention.

Why Brands and Choices Matter

Remember how brands can help fight wrong stuff? Well, they’re important in the world of AI and ads too. Having choices is like having different options when we’re shopping. Artificial Intelligence might have trouble giving choices, but businesses need to figure this out.

AI’s Impact on Ads, and What Stays the Same

Some people think Artificial Intelligence will change ads a lot. But, the main goal of ads, which is showing us things we might want to buy, will probably stay similar. AI might make a few changes, but the main idea of showing us products won’t change too much.

New Ways to Make Money with AI

Looking ahead, we’re thinking about new ways to make money with Artificial Intelligence. Companies might ask for money for the answers Artificial Intelligence gives us. Or they might give us extra things, like connecting us with smart people who can check what AI says. This could make companies money in new and cool ways.

Embracing AI’s Amazing Power

To sum it all up, Artificial Intelligence is changing how we search and how we see ads. But, we need to remember that sometimes it might not have all the right answers. Even though there are challenges, we’re excited about how Artificial Intelligence can make our online time super fun. We’re heading toward easier ways to talk to computers and find what we’re looking for.

Looking Forward to More AI Magic

As we keep going, we’ll see more cool ways Artificial Intelligence and people work together. Businesses need to learn how to use Artificial Intelligence in a smart way and also make sure it’s correct. The future of searching and ads is like a big adventure, where Artificial Intelligence keeps changing how we experience the online world.

Our Adventure Goes On (Part 2)

Our journey doesn’t end here. We’re diving even deeper into how ChatGPT is changing the way we search and see ads. By looking closely at how Artificial Intelligence-powered chats affect how we use the internet, we’ll discover even more about this amazing new way of doing things.

A New World with the ChatGPT Store

Imagine a store where you can talk to Artificial Intelligence chatbots to do all kinds of things, like shopping or getting stuff done. This new way of talking to computers is changing the game. Instead of typing, we can just chat, which makes everything easier and more fun.


Ads Get a Makeover with Chatbots

Let’s talk about ads now. We’re seeing ads change in a big way. Instead of just clicking on ads, Artificial Intelligence chatbots could help us buy things right away. This is a big change that advertisers need to get used to. It’s like a whole new way of grabbing our attention.

Conclusion: Embracing AI’s Transformative Influence on Search and Advertising

In the world of artificial intelligence, technologies like ChatGPT have a big impact on how we search and see ads. OpenAI, which is like a big name in tech, is leading a new era where Artificial Intelligence and what people like come together. We talked with Neil Patel, who started NP Digital, and learned a lot about how Artificial Intelligence is changing how we interact, how brands work, and how money is made with search and ads.

Neil thinks Artificial Intelligence will be super important in the future. With ChatGPT leading the way, Artificial Intelligence can now understand what people ask and give good answers. This is a big step in what technology can do. But Neil also warns us to be careful because AI can use information from the internet that isn’t always true.

Wrong information is a big problem Artificial Intelligence faces. Neil says brands need to stop wrong information from spreading. Even though AI can quickly find answers from the internet, brands checking facts makes things more trustworthy. The new way Artificial Intelligence helps us chat on platforms like ChatGPT Store is really cool. It’s faster and better. Neil also wants us to think about ads in a new way. Artificial Intelligenceis changing how ads work, so companies can now bid directly for ads that work.

The talk shows how much choice matters when we search. People like having lots of options. This matters for contracts and personal solutions too. But it’s a challenge for Artificial Intelligence to give what everyone wants. Even though Artificial Intelligence could change ads a lot, Neil reminds us that normal ads with keywords are still really important for making money.

Artificial Intelligence keeps growing, and so does how we make money with ads. Neil and Kieran talked about how Artificial Intelligenceanswers could cost money and how AI could help with legal advice. This shows how money can work in a world with lots of Artificial Intelligence. The big ideas from this talk tell us to believe in AI’s big potential.

AI and what people like are changing how we use the internet. Brands and companies need to think in new ways and use Artificial Intelligence to make things better for users. The way we search and see ads is changing a lot because of Artificial Intelligence, and there’s a lot more to come. So, keep watching as Artificial Intelligence shapes how we do things online.

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